Installation FAQ – frequently asked questions

Find all relevant frequently asked questions and answers about our the installation of our system


etaLINK 3000

The wireless 3kW battery charging system

etaLINK 3000 - industrial wireless power - industrielles induktives laden - industrial wireless charging - ifoy winner - handling award winner
etaLINK 12000

Unleashed 12kW wireless power solution

etaLINK 12000 - industrial wireless charging agv and forklift - electric vehicles- 12kW - best product wireless power transfer- winner

Your special batteries for wireless charging

Wiferion etaSTORE LFP - Battery - Batterie - Lithium Ion Battery - Industrial LiFEPo - Lithium Ionen Batterie für FTS, FFS, Flurförderzeuge und AGV

Forklift retrofit for wireless charging

etaTRAY - 48v batterie trog - wireless charging with retrofit tray - kabelloses laden mit batterietrog - ffs, fts, routenzug - staplerbatterie - akku - industrie akku laden

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