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IFOY Innovation Check results 2020 are published! Will Wiferion be named the “Start-up of the Year 2020” by the international IFOY jury?


What is the big novelty of our wireless charging system etaLINK? The international jury of the IFOY Award knows: “With the etaLINK3000, Wiferion has created a solution that takes on this task as a universal, inductive charging method and can be used not only for a special vehicle, but if required for different vehicles and applications.”

Further the objective IFOY jury states: “Due to adaptability to different systems (different batteries, charging strategies, battery management etc.) the system is very well applicable. It can be arranged directly in the process, as there are no points of tripping. The system is very well thought out right up to the user interface.”

The conclusion of the jury is also great news for us: “The universal charging systems make a very robust and industrially suitable impression, are professionally implemented and are therefore likely to be suitable for long-term use.”

We are really looking forward to the IFOY Awards in July. 

Leading international logistics journalists

The winners of the IFOY AWARD are selected by a jury.
The jury is made up of internationally reputed trade journalists and worldwide leading logistics media. The jury is independent in its decisions, which are based on transparent criteria and specialist expertise.

The members of the jury are appointed for an unlimited period of time; the chairperson of the jury is Anita Würmser, logistics journalist and Managing Director of wuermser.communications.

Wiferion etaLINK3000 IFOY Award 2020 nominee

IFOY Innovation Check Results

IFOY Innovation Check (Feb 12, 2020): WIFERION etaLINK 3000 wireless charging system
Category: Start-up of the Year

Market relevance
Industrial companies today often have driverless transport systems in addition to classic forklifts, tuggers and other lifting and towing vehicles. Many of these machines have battery electric drives and need to be charged regularly.

Customer benefit
This normally requires very special chargers with an adapted battery and charge management system. Special charging stations are required to recharge the machines during the working process, but often they cannot be installed directly in the traffic routes due to the risk of tripping on the charging contacts.

With the etaLINK 3000, Wiferion has created a solution that takes on this task as a quasi universal, inductive charging method and can be used not only for a special vehicle, but if required for different vehicles and applications.

Functionality / type of implementation
The universal charging systems make a very robust and industrially suitable impression, are professionally implemented and are therefore likely to be suitable for long-term use.

Due to adaptability to different systems (different batteries, charging strategies, battery management etc.) the etalink system is definitely applicable. It can be arranged directly in the process, as there are no points of tripping. The system is very well thought out right up to the user interface,

The system has an intelligent battery and charge management. Additional equipment is required on the vehicles.

Market relevance ++
Customer benefit ++
Novelty / degree of innovation +
Functionality / type of implementation ++

++ very good / + good / Ø balanced / – less / — not available

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