Experts are certain: In a few years, wireless charging will be the dominant charging solution in the areas of intralogistics, manufacturing, transport and mobility. After successful joint projects, PohlCon, one of the leading suppliers of cable support, underfloor and charging protection systems, agrees on an exclusive partnership with the Freiburg-based technology company Wiferion. This was sealed at light+building in Frankfurt with the joint signing of a cooperation agreement.
Successful integration at Toyota
As early as 2021, PohlCon launched the Wireless Charging Protection System (WCPS), a suitable floor installation solution for the etaLINK inductive charging system from Wiferion. Since then, numerous joint projects have been successfully completed. Now, both companies are deepening their cooperation with a strategic technology partnership to bundle their competencies for industrial-grade contactless power supply.

PohlCon with the Wireless Charging Protection System (WCPS)
In the future, both companies will focus exclusively on a joint solution deployment for projects where ground-flush integration of wireless charging solutions is required. They are also combining their sales and marketing activities in the field of wireless charging and intend to jointly develop new charging solutions for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMR).

Toyota Material Handling in Mjölby uses the powerful combination
The advantages offered by the combination of powerful inductive charging technology and robust charging infrastructure can be seen at the Toyota Material Handling plant in Mjölby. Toyota produces forklifts of various sizes here that were previously transported manually from one station to the next on mobile assembly work platforms. These have now been automated by automated guided vehicles (AGVs) from the manufacturer EA Mobile Robotics.
Thanks to the combination of WCPS and etaLINK, the AGVs charge directly at the workstations during the specified downtimes while the forklift components are being assembled. Unlike other charging technologies, the WCPS, as an in-floor solution, offers the highest level of work and process safety, while at the same time the integration providing full charging efficiency without losses. By using it, Toyota saves the valuable space needed for separate charging zones and at the same time prevents inefficient extra charging times for its AGVs.