Industrial applications & application areas of wireless charging

Find different applications and application areas
of industrial wireless charging on the following pages

Choose your desired application by vehicle

AGV (autonomous guided vehicle)

Wireless Charging of AGVs

AMR (autonomous mobile robots)

Wireless power for AMR

Automated Tugger Train

Automated tugger train: More productivity through inductive charging

Choose your desired application by area

Production logistics

Production logistics: More productivity through inductive charging

Warehouse / Logistics

Logistics in warehouse and logistics area with wireless charging

E-Commerce / Fulfillment

Process optimization in E-Commerce and Fulfillment

See different application areas of wireless charging with our customers and partners

Wireless charging is not only possible for familiar applications and uses such as smartphones, smartwatches, wearables, tablets or tools. The future for wireless chargers is also for all kinds of (autonomous guided) vehicles, autonomous robots and forklifts, but also electric vehicles in general.

With the breakthrough in wireless charging technology, many applications of the technology are possible. The industrial applications of wireless charging are very extensive, as well as diverse. The efficiency of the charging technology is on par with very, very good cable or contact chargers, so the charging times are similar as well. Due to the smart charging technology, different types of batteries and voltages of vehicles can be charged at one charging station. Furthermore, it is possible to approach it from all sides and there is no abrasion or other contamination through the charging process, which makes the system usable under water as well as in e.g. clean rooms. See here different wireless charging applications.

See our our wireless charging solutions in action or directly interested?

Our Products

etaLINK 3000

The wireless 3kW battery charging system

etaLINK 3000 - industrial wireless power - industrielles induktives laden - industrial wireless charging - ifoy winner - handling award winner
etaLINK 12000

Unleashed 12kW wireless power solution

etaLINK 12000 - industrial wireless charging agv and forklift - electric vehicles- 12kW - best product wireless power transfer- winner

Your special batteries for wireless charging

Wiferion etaSTORE LFP - Battery - Batterie - Lithium Ion Battery - Industrial LiFEPo - Lithium Ionen Batterie für FTS, FFS, Flurförderzeuge und AGV

Forklift retrofit for wireless charging

etaTRAY - 48v batterie trog - wireless charging with retrofit tray - kabelloses laden mit batterietrog - ffs, fts, routenzug - staplerbatterie - akku - industrie akku laden

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